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Natural Treatment Prostate Cancer

Posted by Healthy Life Style Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The prostate cancer is the second most common cancer disease affecting the male population around the world and is described as an abnormal growth of cells in the prostate, which may led to problems of urinating, defecating or ejaculating.

Medical research studies concluded there are two forms of treatment for this sort of disease: the conventional treatment and the alternative treatment. The first type of treatment includes surgery by removing the prostate gland, chemotherapy or radiation therapy. While most men choose this method of treatment, there are others who prefer a traditional and less painful way to treat this disease.

They opt for what is know as an alternative treatment or Complementary and Alternative Medicines Treatments (CAM) which includes homeopathy, hydrotherapy, massages, yoga or herbal therapy. Among these, the natural treatment method, based on plants, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, is the most popular one.


Homeopathy, based on the principle of curing ill people with small doses of products that cause the similar symptoms of illness in healthy people, is often regarded as another form of natural treatment; it uses remedies such as the bartya carb, umbellate, causticum, staphysagria and chimapilla.

A nutritional diet based largely on natural products may help alleviate the pains of prostate cancer.

The mineral supplements and antioxidants recommended are magnesium, resveratrol, calcium, lycopene, zinc and selenium.

Lycopene can be found in apricots, pink grapefruit, watermelon, guava and tomatoes.

Since in the prostate zinc is stored in larger quantities than in any other part of our organism, pumpkin seeds are recommended, also oysters, barley, chicken meat.

The African plum tree also know as Pygeum lowers the cholesterol, the pomegranate juice from the Punica granatum tree has anti-inflamatory properties, zyflamend extract from the olive oil, hot peppers and jalapenom habenero reduces the growth of prostate cancer cells, the saw palmetto and the soy are considered miracle herbs, soy products having a high content of isoflavonoids.

Other important products are the eucalyptus, green tea, the lemon juice, honey; the brown rice, liver and seafood in general are rich in selenium, as for meat, cold-water fish has a high amount of Omega 3.

You should avoid including into your diet pastries, sweet products made with processed sugar and artificial sweeteners, butter, large quantities of salt or meat processed foods.


Specialists are still debating whether alternative treatment is more effective than the conventional one. If the prostate cancer evolves and eventually effects the surrounding body parts then surgery is inefficient. The same goes for chemotherapy. But if the cancer did not spread from the prostate gland area, alternative treatment may be more effective in stopping its evolution.

Either way, if you choose the conventional treatment you can always complement it with the alternative one, as long as you right-follow the doctors instructions and advices. Build yourself a strict diet and make sure to follow it accordingly…the first step to have a long and happy life!


  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Nice Blog!!
    There are lots of Natural Remedies those are very helpful in the treatment of prostate cancer. We should also try those remedies.

  3. Thnax DEar Nice Approch..


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